[Updated] Kyūrei Kyūhō Mondōshū 2016 Draft Translation
If you have not already done so, you may want to read my first blog post introducing this translation. You can find it here, come on back when you finish.
I am very lucky that I had some help from M. Paul-Henri Bleu in editing and correcting this next version of this document. I will admit that I’m quite embarrassed at some of the obvious mistakes I made and even more so at the document editing errors. All I can say is that it all starts to look the same when you spend so much time looking at the same document.
Below is an updated version of this translation. Please discard any other copies of the first version you may have and replace them all with this one. I assure you that this one is FAR better!
Again, if you have questions, comments or suggestions, I am happy to hear them! I’m hoping to help make kyudo materials more accessible to all who study kyudo.